The Premature Baby Charity for Northern Ireland

Baby Massage



All TinyLife Family Support Officers (FSOs) are Certified Infant Massage Instructors (CIMIs) with the Infant Association of Infant Massage (IAIM).  IAIM is the world leading expert association for Baby Massage and all CIMIs attend regular training and receive the latest updates and information.  You can find our more about IAIM on their website



Our TinyLife baby massage programmes are delivered in the community in locations across Northern Ireland free of charge in 5 week blocks for TinyLife families. To be eligible, your baby must have been born prematurely (before 37 weeks) or spent time on the neonatal unit from birth. These classes are for babies aged from birth until they are crawling.

The classes are delivered by our trained Family Support Officers who understand the challenges you face and provide security and comfort for you and your baby.  They also give you the opportunity to meet other parents and learn techniques to help with your baby’s health and development.

There are many benefits of baby massage:

For your baby

  • • Helping your baby to feel securely attached
  • • Helping your baby to feel more loved, valued and respected
  • • Reduced crying and emotional distress
  • • Increased levels of relaxation and longer sleep
  • • Development of body awareness and coordination
  • • Relief from wind, colic, constipation and teething discomfort

For you

  • • Feeling closer to your baby
  • • Gaining a deeper understanding of your baby’s behaviour, crying and body language
  • • Providing an enjoyable opportunity to spend one-to-one time with your baby
  • • Feeling the relaxing effects of giving your baby a massage
  • • Increased confidence in your ability to care for and nurture your baby
  • • Learning a life-long parenting skill

These benefits often have even more impact for babies who have been born early or unwell who have had to undergo invasive, uncomfortable and often painful procedures and also periods of separation from parents while in in incubator.

If you would like to take part in a TinyLife baby massage course, please complete a referral form and email to so that the TinyLife Family Support Officer from your area can get in touch.

Want to Refer? Get in touch

Family Support Form

Life at Home with your premature baby

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